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 The Goddess of the North 

Goddess of the North.jpg

Written by: Maria @mariainpaintetsy shop


Artist: Morgan @morganico_com


The Goddess of the North on the ‘North’ face of the pyramid embodies the spirit of Goddess Brigid. Brigid is a Goddess of pre-Christian Celtic cultures, particularly recognised in Ireland. She is associated with fertility, healing, poetry and arts and crafts.  The model for this painting was artist Mariainpaint.  Mariainpaint is an artist and performer who has a strong affinity with Brigid. Of Irish descent herself, Mariainpaint has been told that in a past life she was a follower and devotee of Brigid in ancient times. She has painted Brigid herself and regards Glastonbury- where Brigid was said to have spent much time - a spiritual home. 


Brigid is one of the most famous feminine deities worldwide so it is only fitting that she should represent the Northside of the Pyramid of Love. She adopts a strong, warrior-woman like posture with her hands crossed over her chest grasping a paintbrush and a microphone - representing her skills. Her expression is one of defiance. She commands respect and reverence. “Don’t mess with me” she says.  She reminds us of women’s abilities and competence in a world where men are often paid more than women for the same job and glass ceilings and outdated attitudes still very much exist. 

Artists: Kwame & Morgan

Click on a picture to read about each Goddess and the artists.

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Goddess of the East.jpg
Goddess of the West.jpg
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